Bus Shelter Advertising

Engage Commuters, Pedestrians, and even Motorists with High-Impact Ads.


Bus shelter advertisements give you unbeatable access to people when they are out of the home. Think about how many people sit in a bus shelter every day! 90% of the UK population live within five minutes of walking distance of a bus stop (Source: Route).


As well as targeting commuters, bus shelter ads can help promote your business to pedestrians and motorists. 84% of the UK population see bus shelter advertising over a two-week period (Source: Route).

Their high dwell time and the opportunity to choose between digital and print media mean that there are endless creative possibilities to deliver your message cost-effectively. The size, brightness and eye-level position enable them to stand out and effectively engage your audience.

Static bus shelter ads are strategically placed on most streets and key commuter routes – allowing your business to reach out to various target audiences.

Offering an innovative platform for your business to advertise on, digital bus shelter ads are located in high footfall areas across the UK- including 136 cities and towns. These digital screens incorporate incredible technologies, such as motion detection, facial recognition, and touch screen, creating the perfect platform for consumer engagement.


Watch our quick video on bus shelter advertising:

 Bus Shelter Advertising

Frequently Asked Questions

Does bus shelter advertising work?

Bus shelter advertising is a highly effective way to ensure your brand gains excellent exposure to a wide audience. Bus shelter advertising can be used to achieve targeted awareness and can easily be combined with other advertising formats, such as Street Hubs and buses, which gives your business maximum exposure.

How much does it cost to advertise on a bus shelter in the UK?

The average cost of bus shelter advertising is around £300 for two weeks exposure.

Can I pick specific bus shelters to advertise on?

Yes, to ensure that your advert gets the best viewing, bus shelters can be selected on a particular road or in a specific area. Digital bus shelter sites are now so advanced you can pay by the impression, selecting area, days and times.

Is bus shelter advertising effective?

Bus shelter advertising is effective for local, regional or national businesses. Local businesses may use a bus shelter ad as a directional message or additional point of sale whilst larger businesses may select multiple bus shelters over a specific area of a suburb or city to drive new customers and increase brand awareness.

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