Digital Audio Advertising 

In an age where screens dominate, there's a powerful medium that captivates without visuals, and that is... Sound


Our Two Favourites

Audio Streaming

Audio Streaming

Millions of people around the world use audio streaming today – for example, Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music are some of the most high-profile streaming services around. Listeners stream content at different times for different purposes to soundtrack their lives — whether they’re relaxing, studying, exercising, travelling or everything in between. Our team see music as a mirror – it reflects how an individual is feeling and what they are doing at any given moment. This informs and shapes the adverts that are played to listeners at any one time.


Audio ads are delivered between songs, which means the listener can focus on your ad with no distractions and absorb what you have to say. On many free versions of platforms, the listener is also required to hear advertisements as part of the deal, before resuming their chosen content, so your ad will be heard by a captive audience.

Our ability to tap into different streaming intelligence allows us to drive impact for your brand. Knowing that music is inherently personal and emotional, allows us to develop a rich set of data which goes beyond demographics - reflecting the moods, moments and mindsets of listeners. This streaming Intelligence gives us a deeper insight and understanding of your audience allowing our team will put an effective targeted strategy in place.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of audio streaming advertising?

Streaming is a highly personal form of audio, so the benefit of advertising on these platforms is that you know exactly who you’re talking to. And because listeners can stream at any time and to a device of their choice, you can reach out to them throughout their week – on the way to work, while having lunch or at the gym.

How much does audio streaming advertising cost?

Audio streaming advertising is a cost-effective format, suitable for all marketing budgets - and works even harder for your money when you target it. All campaigns can be planned to fit any budget and with our ability to target your customers more specifically, we can deliver a return on investment.

Costs vary depending on a number of factors, including:

  • The number of spots being booked
  • The predicted audience delivery figures
  • The duration of the advertising campaign

Based on your target audience and geographical area we can provide you with a fully costed proposal to meet your advertising objectives and fit with your budget.

Where can I advertise on streaming services?

From Amazon and Spotify to Deezer and YouTube, there is a range of streaming services which feature ads. Our team have the expertise to guide you to the right option for your audience and your budget – with unrivalled insight into making streaming services ads work for you.

Who hears advertising on streaming services?

Music streaming is used by a wide cross-section of the UK’s population, but the main focus is on younger age groups. Most common amongst 16 to 24 year olds (with 25 to 34 and 35 to 44 age groups in second place (Source: Statista)) it’s a great place to get your message out to young people who may be making purchase decisions by themselves for the first time. So, if your brand, product or business is aimed at students, first-time buyers or new drivers, for example, or you’re looking to build brand awareness with anyone under the age of 44, advertising on music streaming services is a strong choice.



Podcast listening is on the rise, and has exploded over the past few years. In fact, as of 2020, there were over 15 million podcast listeners in the United Kingdom. The audience is growing year on year as the popularity of podcasts increases, and this trend looks set to continue with figures close to 20 million listeners predicted by 2024 (Source: Statista).


By nature, audio is an extremely intimate form of communication. Podcasts take this intimacy even further by the very fact that they are tailored to a niche audience, who actively seek out their preferred content. Podcasts allow listeners to engage more in content, too, which gets them excited and connects with their community – bonding with others who share their interests. As an advertiser, this offers you opportunities to communicate directly with your target audience, while they’re in a mindset to receive your message.

Uniquely, podcasts attract a loyal following from listeners and this is why they are becoming increasingly popular with advertisers. From news and interviews to serialised content, podcasts draw in a wide range of listeners, all of whom are a captive audience for advertisers.

Tailoring ads to your particular audience is simple with podcasts, too. The majority of UK podcast listeners are in the 26 to 35 age group – listening to comedy, television and music podcasts (Source: Statista). This makes podcast advertising particularly attractive for brands, businesses and organisations, that are targeting a younger audience, whether that’s to sell a health supplement, clothing label, gym membership, cosmetic brand or tech.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of podcast advertising?

Because podcast listeners are dedicated and highly engaged, your ad will be heard by an audience who are passionate about a particular sector and absolutely open to hearing ads that are related to their favourite content. Because podcast ads are a seamless part of the podcast – read by the host rather than an interruption – the listener is more likely to pay attention, trust and act on an advert for your product or service, too. And by the very nature of a podcast, you can tailor the ad to the genre specifically – from cycling, comedy and cooking to health and music.

How much does podcast advertising cost?

Podcast advertising is a cost effective format, suitable for all marketing budgets - and works even harder for your money when you target it. All campaigns can be planned to fit any budget and with our ability to target your customers more specifically, we can deliver a return on investment.

Costs vary depending on a number of factors, including:

  • The number of spots being booked
  • The predicted audience delivery figures
  • The duration of the advertising campaign

Based on your target audience and geographical area we can provide you with a fully costed proposal to meet your advertising objectives and fit with your budget.

Where can I advertise on podcasts?

Platforms and apps offer listeners the opportunity to download podcasts covering an exceptionally wide range of topics. So, whatever your brand, product or service, you should have no trouble finding a podcast that relates to it. Our team have the skills and experience to recommend advertising opportunities for podcasts to suit a whole range of businesses and budgets.

Who hears podcast advertising?

While podcasts are becoming increasingly popular across a range of age groups, currently the majority of UK podcast listeners are between 26 and 35. But these are people who are interested in a broad spectrum of areas – from health and comedy to sport, music and film – so brands and businesses in a wide range of sectors will find this type of advertising appeals.

Explore Audio Advertising

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