Shopping Centres


Shopping centre advertising sites can come in a variety of different formats, including digital screens, lift panels, posters, toilets/restrooms/washrooms, static boards around the site and car park flags, banners and posters.


These standout advertising locations are strategically situated around high footfall key visibility areas. There can also be more bespoke and engaging opportunities available which may involve not just advertising sites but interactive displays, sampling etc.

Shopping centre advertising provides regular reminders throughout the shopper journey, allowing brands to entice and influence significant numbers of shoppers to make last-minute purchases. Thousands of people visit shopping centres that are usually open seven days a week, and often have extended opening hours. Shopping Centre advertising is a great opportunity to reach people when they are in a purchasing mindset in their own leisure time. With many shopping centres now accommodating restaurants, cinemas and other leisure activities, opportunities for consumers to see advertising and dwell time at advertising sites are increasing as people spend longer on site.


Watch our quick video on shopping centre advertising:

Shopping Centre Advertising

Frequently Asked Questions

What is shopping centre advertising?

Shopping centre advertising is the concept of utilising the indoor and outdoor space and facilities at the centre to target shoppers with marketing from brands about their products / services. The shopping centre itself usually manages this, sometimes via a 3rd party company. We can provide you with a full recommendation of which shopping centres are the most relevant for your target audience, and which sites within each centre will be the most effective for your campaign objectives.

What is a shopping centre screen?

Shopping centre screens are digital screens situated in high visibility, high footfall areas of shopping centres. The LED screens come in different shapes and sizes and can add significant value to the shopping centre environment by delivering shoppers a source of interaction and encouraging them to stay longer and increase purchase quantity/value. Advertisers can buy space on these screens, generally in the form of 10 second slots which will show their advert a set number of times in an hour.

How much does it cost to advertise in a shopping centre?

Costs to advertise in a shopping centre vary depending on a number of factors, including:

  • Which format is used eg digital screens, car park banners, lift panels
  • The predicted audience delivery (footfall) figures
  • The number of sites/formats being booked
  • The duration of the advertising campaign

We can create a plan to suit your budget that will optimise the amount of people within your target audience who will see your advert.

Which shopping centres can I advertise in?

Most shopping centres across the UK offer some form of advertising opportunities, the scope of which will vary depending on their size, the nature of the facilities and the management of the centre. We can access all these opportunities on your behalf and based on your target area and audience we will provide you with a recommendation on the most effective centres for you to use.

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